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  Beaver Creek Christian Church : A nondenominational fellowship of believers in Ashe County, West Jefferson, NC

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The Position of the Christian Churches

This congregation of the Beaver Creek Christian Church is striving to overcome the denominational confusion that exists today. We have no denominational headquarters, and we wear no denominational name. Our desire is to wear only the name of Christ, to proclaim only His Gospel, and to declare our loyalty to Him. Christ prayed for the unity of His followers, and this unity is possible if Christ is followed. His example must become our pattern of life, His Gospel our message, His commands our all in all as we seek to glorify God, the Father, who gave His only begotten Son for us.

Our claim is certainly not to be the only Christians, but our attempt is to be Christians only, for Christ and His Word are sufficient for all our needs.

If you would like more information about the Beaver Creek Christian Church, or becoming a Christian, please contact the Preacher or one of the Elders.

Posted December 4, 2008 by Anonymous Under Doctrine H Permalink 1216065785
Our Plea:

What do we preach? We plead for the unity of all followers of Christ. This was the ideal of Christ for his church. He prayed, "May they all be one; as thou, Father, are in me and I in thee".(John 17:21) This unity should not only be in spirit but in reality. It is to be like that between the Father and the Son - a unity in purpose, spirit, and practice, in which all "speak the same things."(I Cor. 1:10)

Posted November 6, 2008 by Preacher Under Doctrine Permalink 1216065789
Our Purpose:

The reason that this unity is necessary is stated in the prayer of Jesus, "that they all may believe that thou hast sent me." (John 17:21)The world can be not be won till the followers of Christ are one.

Posted Jun 18, 12 by Anonymous Under Doctrine Permalink 1340032503
Our Plan:

Yes, we have a plan by which this unity can be attained. It is not by an organizational union of existing denominations nor by human speculation. The only course is to return to the New Testament Christianity. For this we plead! The only basis for any Christian faith is the inspired word of God.

Posted Jun 18, 12 by Anonymous Under Doctrine Permalink 1340032533

Baptism is a positive command. On the authority, subject, action and doing, the Scripture is plain. We do not believe baptism is any more important than faith, repentance, or good works. Nor do we believe there is any virtue in the water. But we do believe baptism is an act of obedience commanded by Christ in order to receive salvation.

Posted Jun 18, 12 by Anonymous Under Doctrine Permalink 1340032580